Wednesday, July 15, 2009

One bad blogger

Ok, I know, I have been bad. No writing, no nothing for a while now.

I suck.

But, the cool thing is, I haven't been writing, not because I haven't had anything to write about, but because there has been so much going on, I haven't had time to write!

Yay life!

The biggest of these was baby bump.

So, I hate event planning. The details details details, all for a few magical hours? Where the fuck is your return.

Anyways, thank god for Lis, because, well, this wouldn't have gone off as well as it did without her. I think she is a little magical and that's ok.

All-in-all the thing was a success. We had over 200 people through the doors and everyone, from the vendors to the customers seemed really happy with the whole thing. So that's cool.

Lis and I both made it out unscathed. Stressful, yes, but to see something that we thought of, and executed come together. Well, that was fucking cool.

Was it perfect? No. But it exceeded our expectations, and that's all it needed to do.

Plus, dad thought we did well, so I'm ok with it.

Also, it proved what an amazing support system we have. To have that big of a volunteer pool was pretty awesome. I can't imagine how we got so lucky, but here we are. Fucking lucky.

And I think I may have the best mom in the whole world. Just FYI.

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