Sunday, July 23, 2006

What is with the Winnie Cooper comparison??

I have gotten it for a while now. And I just don't understand. I got it again last night. Some random guy comes up to me (as I am talking to a cute Swedish i-banker) and says, "Did you watch the Wonder Years, cause you look exactly like ... Winnie Cooper." WTF!!! I am sorry, I don't see it. I never have, never will. I JUST DON'T GET IT!!! See look ...

I will try and get a pic from last night and see if it might give me a better indication as to why I get this comparason.

What did I do Saturday night, I went to bed. Ok, well, it's a club here in NYC, and it was great. I haven't really hit any clubs since I have been here. A lot of lounges, but really, no clubs. My friend Heather and I went to BED tonight, and it was fantastic!!! Such a good night! (Carrie and the girls went to BED the day she was broken up with by a Post-It, just so you know)

In reality, it was a good day. Despite getting some tough news, and having a crap night last night, today was an all around good day. A couple of friends and I walked around Lower Manhattan. We saw the WTC Site which is so humbling. I think I have mentioned it before in this blog, but to see this real estate, in some of the most expensive land value in the world, without anything is totally humbling. We again went into St. Paul's Chapel. It is incredible that, despite being situated right across the street from the WTC, it suffered not even a broken window. Not to mention all of the memorials still in place. Going to the WTC site and St. Paul's made me realize that nothing could be as bad as that day. My heart still breaks when I hear stories or recollections of the day. As lonely and sad as I may be, at least I have tomorrow, right??

Alright whitey. Have a good one!

I have to get to bed -- I mean get to sleep! haha

Ok, good night!!



Anonymous said...

BD and I agree that you look lıke Wınnıe. I thınk ıts a good thıng. She ıs cute!

iris said...

What do you know? You are in Turkey, who knows what kind of opiates you are on right now.

Anonymous said...

Here are some links that I believe will be interested

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.

Anonymous said...

Very best site. Keep working. Will return in the near future.