So for these past two months, all I have heard anyone talk about at work, in the dorm, ANYWHERE is Facebook. I don't think it is that big in Canada. My suitemate Carlee signed up for it a while ago, and she has become like a crack addict.
I had resisted. There was no way I needed another thing to distract me online. I have some serious celeb stalking to do, not waste my time with Facebook. That was until my friend Heather was being difficult. She is the one I went to BED with the other night, and she was essentially holding the pics she took ransom. So I had a dillemma. Do I join this cult or resist the seduction of the dark side. Well, I caved to peer pressure, and joined. I just want to make it clear that I have joined solely for the picture stealing that I will be able to do. UGH! Like I need to be anymore connected with the world. I do have a blog!!!
So I now have some pics. Here are the Winnie Cooper pics again, and the pics from BED. I seriously don't see the comparison.
Winner Cooper-jeet my ass!
Alright y'all. Take care!!
iris, you are such a hottie! hottie hot hot!!! no need for a diet, you look fantastic!
oh god!! I totally need to lose the pizza / beer / mcd's / i love to eat weight!
Yeah, but HS was what, 15 years ago for you. that isn't a bad per year average!
I just laughed out loud,(the turks thınk I am crazy) Irıs that was mean, just cause he ıs an old man. Hehehe
New York PR firm and hot pictures in The book of face...I believe our little Iris has outgrown her little Northern Alberta outpost home.
there is no outgrowing my Northern Alberta outpost! Just you wait. I will see you guys in 2 weeks, and I won't want to leave! Oh sweet home Edmonton ... wait, that should be Alabama. Oh well.
iris will never be able to outgrow me.
though i do feel somewhat abandoned.
HA! Now you know how it feels when you have a girlfriend. Think of NY as my boyfriend.
where is a new post. dont u understand that i am addicted to your blog.
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