Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Ahhh ... that's better

Today was MUCH better. Work was good. A little tedious at times (I had to staple and stuff 41 press kits for the inagural El Al flight from LA to Tel Aviv). The job of an intern is never done! I also finally finished my pitch letter for the financial publications regarding Alberta. I LOVE talking about Alberta! There is something so comforting in knowing what the hell you are talking about ... Edmonton IS better than Calgary, Slave Lake IS beautiful, Fort McMurray WOULD be an interesting story for a financial paper to do. When you know so little, it is reassuring to know that the little knowledge you have might be useful to someone. Even if it is about Alberta.

I walked home again today. It was finally NOT a zillion degrees out, and walking was again bearable. I ended up at in front of The Plaza and right next to Central Park. One of the prettiest things I have seen thus far is the fountain in front of The Plaza. Its just so bloody nice. I was tempted to take a carriage ride through the park, but I forgot my camera, so that will have to wait. I walked home along 5th Avenue, and through Madison Square Park. I am not going to lie, I love 'name dropping' with where I have been and the things that I am seeing. I was talking to Jarod on the phone as I was walking, and I could hear a little jealousy in his voice. ADMIT IT!!! A good 40 block walk, in heels no less! I LOVE IT!!!

I ran into my version of a crack dealer today - the shoe salesmen. Kenneth Cole was having a monster sale and like a moth to the flame, I was drawn in. My poor mom is coming here in a couple weeks and I have already made her aware of the fact that I NEED ANOTHER SUITCASE!!! So she will hopefully bring an extra one, b/c the shoe count is now up to ... 12! I have an addiction (well a few, but this one is definitely the most costly). There are really cute, and they were on sale and I sound pathetic.

I have also stopped eating dinner. Is this a huge deal? I usually eat a really big lunch, and then just too lazy to eat again. Meh, whatever gets me into a smaller size will work for me.

As most of you know, I have been pseudo-published. I recently emailed a writer at the Journal talking about a blog posting she had of NY and how much I liked it. She posted the email and a link to this, here blog. Kinda cool hey? Well I thought it was. I emailed it to everyone I know. God, how did I become such a loser? Here I sit at my BLOG and I am wondering how I became a loser. I have to stop! I was cool once. Well my mom thought I was. She doesn't anymore, but what does she know? Here is a link to my first published piece:

I also just wanted to give a shout out to my peeps overseas. Eve, Harp, Big Daddy & Camille. I hope your adventures are treating you well. I miss you all horribly, and have no idea when I will be able to see you guys next. I hate that feeling. I also have to admit I got a little homesick yesterday. And it is all the fault of Jarod, Anne & Brandy. I don't think it's fair that you guys are hanging out without me. NOT COOL!

I appreciate the extra posts. Seriously, without them, this blog feels useless. And useless cyberspace junk is not what this world needs.

Tej - I miss you too (there, you have been mentioned!)

Take care everyone! I hope today treated you well, and I will talk to you soon!

I'm outtie!



Anonymous said...

cant believe u walk 40 blocks ın heels u are offıcıally my hero (sorry about the ı's thıs ıs a turkısh keyboard. but on the brıght sıde ı am lookıng at the Mediterranean)
Nıce job getttıng publıshed now lots of crazys wıll be postıng.
Why u dont thınk baseball ıs a sport ıs exactly the reason why ıts my fav sport. cause u do nothıng. hehehe

iris said...


Of course Chad would have been able to walk the 40. Hell he would have been able to walk 80!

Tej, I get where this hostility to Edmonton is coming from. It is from the inferiority complex you have gotten since moving to Calgary. What the hell is so great about Calgary? The pretentious attitudes? The overblown egos from one Stanley Cup win? Sure you guys have the mountains, but they are just in your backyard, not in the city. Oh, wait you have the Calgary Tower too. Hey, isn't that just a rip off of the CN Tower. At least Edmonton is original.

Ok, enough of the rivalry. I am glad you are enjoying the blog. I am a nerd, I know, but what can you do.

Tej, I would sleep with one eye open. Paul might be coming to get ya if you keep up that smack talk.


Anonymous said...

Glad to see your helping out El Al. You knew I wouldn't let that get by.

iris said...

I thought you would appreciate the El Al thing. SOOO predictible.

Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

Anonymous said...

Great site loved it alot, will come back and visit again.