Saturday, July 15, 2006

Bad girls, bad girls, what cha gonna do? - obligatory wife beater included

That is right. I was put in handcuffs by the NYPD today. There was no excessive violence or anything like that, just a drunk and beligerent Iris getting the cuffs put on.

Haha, I love that picture. The real story is that the group I am here with went to a Yankees game. (more on that later) The cop in my section was super nice, and as I was leaving, I explained to him that I would LOVE it if he could throw the handcuffs on me and let my girlfriend take a picture. Hilarious. He was really nice, and I should remind you all that I am generally scared of the 5-0.

The Yankees game was fun. It was at least 90 degrees and we were right in the sun. So what was the only thing to do? Drink beer! When in Rome right? So I had a couple (four) heroin beers, hot dogs, chicken fingers and Cracker Jacks. I felt so white trash I LOVED IT!!!

Boy do Americans love them some baseball. As I mentioned in my previous post, I don't get it. I couldn't tell you what the final score was, or even if there were any highlights. All I know is that, I was in Yankee Stadium and for me, that is pretty cool. As I mentioned before, I think the Yankees represent everything that is wrong with professional sports today. High salaries, free-agency ridiculousness, trading rather than drafting. I HATE THE YANKEES!! When they were announcing the line-up for the White Sox, guess what they - the Evil Yankees - were playing? The Imperial Death March! The irony of this was not lost on me.

Overall, I had a lot of fun today. The subway ride was hell ... seriously. Imagine the most packed train, constantly getting more people on it, and stopping at every station. It was hell. And it was like a 45 minute ride. Hellish.

Here are the rest of the pics from today. I hope y'all had a good Saturday. I am pretty sure I did.



p said...

those are funny.

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

p said...

yes. very interesting...

incredible resources...

wow the explanations...

iris said...

Who is this dude? The link goes to an insurance site. WEIRD!!!

Anonymous said...

Gotta love NYC!
good 2 see u're enjoying the city more and more. Btw, where was ur Yankee hat? :-)

Anyway, will talk to u soon. take care of urself

Keep those stories comin!

Mick from Oilers' city

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.