Tuesday, July 04, 2006

This one is for you shoddy blogger

Hello All!

I apologize for the lack of posts this weekend. I was in Florida hanging with my extended family, and the internet was not readily available.

Where did I leave off ... Oh yes! After Bizzarro Jarod, I came home and napped. The cute gay bartender did something that straight guys never do ... buy me drinks. I was drunk, walked home, got a little lost again and came home. Oh, by the way, did anyone lose two Scrabble tiles, because I found a couple. I got an E and an O should you guys be short. I was walking around the village, and it was SOOOO quiet. No cars around, no real noise, and this was right in Manhattan. It was cool. I didn't think quiet like that was possible in this city.

The next morning I was off to Florida to hang with the family. I got to see my three neices and my nephew. I am exhausted! It is amazing how kids have so much energy. Where do they get it all from, and is there a way I can bottle it and sell it? I would be a gazillionaire!

Speaking of gazillionaires. I returned from the Sunshine State today, and it was Fourth of July. A friend of mine took a couple of us girls out to meet her friends, and they have the most amazing apartments I have seen in my life. The view from these two apts was incredible. From one of them, we could clearly see both sets of fireworks, the Battery Park fireworks and what ever the hell the other ones are. It was amazing. Like seeing doubles, without being incredibly D.R.U.N.K. Very cool.

Well that was my Fourth of July. I hope everyone celebrated this country's independence with vigor. haha, what a joke. Ok all, this is iris signing off.


P.S. I am starting to feel a little like Doogie Howser with this blog ... except old and drunk.


p said...
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p said...

i'm pretty sure doogie was drunk.

and please bring me those scrabble chips. now i'll finally be able to write that elusive "apotheosis"

yes, fifteen points.

Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site! Keep up the good work. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Nice idea with this site its better than most of the rubbish I come across.