Thursday, June 16, 2011

Happy birthday

On June 16, 2006 I started this here blog. From the first post and my excitement to be in New York, to the heartbreak of giving up a dream.

This blog has seen me at my lowest - unemployed, suffering ACTUAL heartbreak, medical woes and lonely as hell. It has been witness to my humourous attempts at finding a romantic partner - every shitty date, speed dating, and even an international romance (here, here and here). It has seen me travel the Far East, Europe twice, and many many road trips.

I feel like I have grown with this blog. When I look back at older posts, I can see it, in my actual writing and the thoughts behind the writing. My life today doesn't look like it did in 2006 - thank goodness. My life today is grown up, with a job that makes me happy, in a city that isn't as bad as I originally thought.

So there she be. Five years of a blog that no one, other than me, gives a shit about. Thanks Internet for making a narcissist out of me and helping me share it with anyone who wants a read. Or those who happen to Google any of the following:

  • "iris dias" bitch brown girl
  • fun things to do when your awake at 6 in the morning
  • gay morinville (My personal favorite)
  • my girlfriend invited me to passover
  • all of a sudden, i am obsessed with shoes
  • cute italian boys
  • have a debaucherous time in vegas
  • irisdias sucks shit blog
  • olympic theme jello shooters

Happy birthday blog. You've been my most stable outlet for the past five years, and for that I am forever grateful.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

What have you been up to?

Holy shit, I last wrote a real post in February.

My bad. But in my defense, well, there is no defense. I suck. Big time.

So hear, to catch you up, is a catch-up post. YAY!

First, like I've mentioned before I'm now a co-host of a wicked-awesome podcast.
talk•fool•ery is easily my favorite creative outlet. I think we're finding our groove - I'm 'nervous giggling' a whole lot less - and I'm super thankful that Corey asked me to be his co-host. If you haven't done so already, you should totally check it out. As one review says, 'Good podcast for mindless indulgence."


Second, I've been traveling a bunch. I've been to Edmonton to entertain my niece & nephew, back to Edmonton for a surprise for ma, San Fran to visit Eve to spend some time with her and her adorable daughter Dixie Mae. I have to admit, I fell in love with Dixie. We had a blast together, and she made me wish my friends with babies lived a whole lot closer.

I also went to Saint John, New Brunswick for the CPRS Conference. I was there as an attendee and to fetch an award my company won. Saint John was lovely, I ate a ton of lobster, drank a lot of beer and was hit on by a 65 year old man. A man who thought he had a shot at me! WHAT!?

The fundraiser was a rocking success, and a million thanks to anyone who helped in any way, shape or form. What a way to warm my cynical heart.

That's about it.

In four days it will be this blog's five year anniversary. What shall I write ...

Editor's Note: While I was en route home, my amazing friend Harp got her ass out of bed at 5:30 in the morning to visit me at the airport and have breakfast with me. It was fantastic and lovely and she is a wonderful source of light and inspiration in my life.