Monday, January 14, 2008

Social Hangover

I have coined a new phrase, or at least I am trying to.

I am suffering from a social hangover right now. I have had people visiting me since January 1st. I haven't spent more than 24 hours by myself since bringing in the new year. And now I am alone.

And it kinda sucks.

I miss having someone to come home to. I REALLY miss it in fact. When I was living with P3, I would come home and have someone to hang with. It was nice. With visitors, you plan and keep busy.

But now it is just me and it is cold and rainy and miserable and I don't want to do anything but sleep and watch tv.

Also, for the past little while, I have wondered if I hate Vancouver because it isn't Edmonton or New York. And no, it isn't just because of that. I hate Vancouver because I do. It doesn't have the benefits of New York or Edmonton. New York was dynamic enough that I never was actually alone, there were constantly millions of people moving and doing stuff that I never felt alone. In Edmonton, I never had to be alone, I had a ton of people to ensure my days and nights were exactly what I wanted them to be.

So now I am socially hungover, missing the social-ness of having people around and literally not wanting to get out of bed. Does anyone know a rich man, preferably of an older age so they appreciate me, who is willing to 'keep' a woman? No, seriously, anyone?